External API Document for TMALL Global Shops Update Date: 2019-02-18

1. Introduction

  • Domain Name : sh-api.nengmao.net/tmg
  • Request Protocol: Support http/https
  • Data Transferring Format: json
  • Product Barcode: SKU

2. Currier Company Code

Currier Code Company Name
sf ShunFeng
ems EMS
sto ShenTong
yto YuanTong
zto ZhongTong
zjs ZhaiJiSong
yunda Yunda
cces CCES
ttkdex TianTian
dbl DeBang
jd JingDong

3. Request Parameter Signature

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
public class MD5Utils {
    private static final char[] HEX_2_DIGITS= { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8','9','a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };
    public static String MD5(String source) {
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(source)) return "";
        try {
            byte[] strTemp = source.getBytes();
            MessageDigest mdTemp = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
            byte[] md = mdTemp.digest();
            char str[] = new char[md.length * 2];
            int i = 0;
            for (byte b : md) {
                str[i++] = HEX_2_DIGITS[b >>> 4 & 0xf];
                str[i++] = HEX_2_DIGITS[b & 0xf];
            return new String(str);
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            return "";
    public static void main(String[] args) {

4. Respond Error Code

Error_Code Type Message
200 Correct Request Successful
400 Client Exception Parameter Exception
400+ Client Exception Parameter Exception
500 Server Exception System Exception
500+ Server Exception System Exception

5. Inventory

5.1. Inventory Update


  • Full Inventory Update (2am daily or agreed time)
  • Incremental Inventory Update (Procurement Stock IN & Out, Shared inventory update from offline store)
  • Product SKU and/or Barcode

Request URL

https://sh-api.nengmao.net/tmg/api/stocks/update【Production Environment】
https://sh-sandbox.nengmao.net/tmg/api/stocks/update【Sandbox Environment】

Request Method : POST

Public Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
appKey Yes string API access key
appSecret Yes string API access secret
timestamp Yes int Time Stamp, 2mins variance,Time zone:GMT+8
sign Yes string Signature
format No string Respond data format, Json as default

Request Parameters

Parameter Mandatory MP Suggestion Type Description
updateType Yes Yes number Inventory update Type, 0:Full; Type 1:Incremental
skuList Yes Yes array Product sku list
sku No Yes string SKU
upcCode No No string Barcode
internalId No No string Brand product internal id
stocks Yes Yes number Inventory
goodsSn No Yes string Product number

Request Parameter Example

        "sku": "869aa622133",
        "stocks": 12

Return Example

    "errorCode": 200,
    "msg": "operate successful(操作成功)",
    "data": [{
        "goodsSn": "11211222331",
        "color": "red",
        "size": "X",
        "sku": "869aa622133",
        "upcCode": "69112121232",
        "internalId": "",
        "marketPrice": 900,
        "salePrice": 629,
        "inventory": 12,
        "lockInventory": 0,
        "importFee": 0,
        "status": 0,
        "images": "https://img.alicdn.com/88218.jpg_430x430q90.jpg",
        "colorImage": "https://img.alicdn.com/img/111.jpg"

Return Parameter Description

Parameter Type Description
errorCode number Request Result, 200:Success; 400+:Client Exception; 500+:Server Exception
msg string Request return information
data array Product information list
goodsSn string Product number
color string Color
size string Size
upcCode string Barcode
internalId string Brand goods internal id
marketPrice number Tag price
salePrice number Sales price
inventory number Total inventory
lockInventory number Lock inventory
importFee number Import fee
status number Product status (0 in Stock; 1 on Sale)
images string Images
colorImage string Color image

6. Sales

6.1. Order List


  • Order information and Product information

Request URL

https://sh-api.nengmao.net/tmg/api/order/list【Production Environment】
https://sh-sandbox.nengmao.net/tmg/api/order/list【Sandbox Environment】

Request Method : POST

Public Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
appKey Yes string API access key
appSecret Yes string API access secret
timestamp Yes int Time Stamp, 2mins variance,Time zone:GMT+8
sign Yes string Signature
format No string Respond data format, Json as default


Parameter Mandatory Type Description
startModifyTime No string Order modify start time
endModifyTime No string Order modify end time
orderStatus No number Order status
0:Created; 1:To be delivered;
2: Delivered; 3: Cancelled; Default=1
pageNo No number Page number, default=1
pageSize No number Order lines per page,
default=10, Max=100
orderType No string Order type, Y=new orders, N=old order already been retrieved, default=Y

Request Parameter Example

    "startModifyTime": "2017-04-10",
    "endModifyTime": "2018-08-15",
    "orderStatus": 1,
    "pageNo": 1,
    "pageSize": 1

Return Example

    "errorCode": 200,
    "msg": "operate successful(操作成功)",
    "data": [{
        "orderSn": "101080953050411111",
        "orderAccount": "刘婷19921023",
        "orderAmount": 554.37,
        "shippingFee": 100,
	"discountAmountSum": 0,
        "consignee": "刘大爷",
        "country": "中国",
        "province": "广东省",
        "city": "广州市",
        "district": "越秀区",
        "address": "黄花岗街道天河北水荫路柏高酒店419房间",
        "zipcode": "510180",
        "telephone": "15827554247",
        "mobile": "",
        "platform": "TM",
        "paymentSn": "2017122421001001630262632854",
        "paymentType": "alipay",
        "createTime": "2018-07-04 17:14:20",
        "payTime": "2017-12-24 15:10:07",
        "shippingStatus": "not shipped(未发货)",
        "orderGoods": [{
            "upcCode": "",
            "sku": "3532602072165",
            "internalId": "",
            "saleAmount": 554.37,
            "tagPrice": 395.42,
            "qty": 1
    "total": 57

Return Parameter Example

Parameter Type Description
errorCode number Request Result, 200:Success; 400+:Client Exception; 500+:Server Exception
msg string Request return information
data array Order information list
orderSn string Magic Panda OMS order number
orderAccount string Tmall account
orderAmount number Order total amount
shippingFee number Order shipping fee
discountSum number Order discount total amount
consignee string Order consignee
country string Consignee country
province string Consignee province
city string Consignee city
district string Consignee district
address string Consignee address
zipcode string Consignee zip code
telephone string Consignee telephone
mobile string Consignee mobile
platform string Sale platform
paymentSn string Order pay number
paymentType string Order payment type
createTime string Create time
payTime string Payment time
shippingStatus string Shipping status
orderGoods array Order product list
sku string Product sku
upcCode string Barcode
saleAmount number Product sale total amount
tagPrice number Product tag price
qty number Product sold quantity
total number Total record

6.2. Order Cancelled by Brand


  • Order cancellation initialed by Brand
  • Support multiple orders

Request URL

https://sh-api.nengmao.net/tmg/api/order/cancelbybrand【Production Environment】
https://sh-sandbox.nengmao.net/tmg/api/order/cancelbybrand【Sandbox Environment】

Request Method : POST

Public Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
appKey Yes string API access key
appSecret Yes string API access secret
timestamp Yes int Time Stamp, variance 2mins,Time zone:GMT+8
sign Yes string Signature
format No string Respond Data Format, json as default


Parameter Mandatory Type Description
cancelList Yes array Cancelled order list
orderSn Yes string Order number/ID
status Yes number Order cancel status: 10=successful 20=failed
message No string Message
goodsList Yes array Product list
sku Yes string Product SKU
internalId No string Brand goods internal id
qty Yes number Product quantity

Request Parameter Example

    "cancelList": [{
        "orderSn": "162724553352511111",
        "status": 10,
        "message": "品牌方缺货取消",
        "goodsList": [{
            "sku": "3840438387414",
            "qty": 1

Return Example

    "errorCode": 200,
    "msg": "operate successful(操作成功)",
    "data": {
        "successList": [
        "failureList": []

Return Parameter Description

Parameter Type Remarks
errorCode number Request Result, 200:Success; 400+:Client Exception; 500+:Server Exception
msg string Request return information
data array Handle result list
successList array Success list
failureList array Failure list

6.3. Order Receiving Confirmation


  • Confirming order retrieved
  • Support multiple orders

Request URL

https://sh-api.nengmao.net/tmg/api/status/confirmation【Production Environment】
https://sh-sandbox.nengmao.net/tmg/api/status/confirmation【Sandbox Environment】

Request Method : POST

Public Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
appKey Yes string API access key
appSecret Yes string API access secret
timestamp Yes int Time Stamp, variance 2mins,Time zone:GMT+8
sign Yes string Signature
format No string Respond Data Format, json as default


Parameter Mandatory Type Remarks
orderSnList No array New order list
returnSnList No array Cancelled order list

Request Parameter Example

    "orderSnList": ["104587766749540598"],

Return Example

    "errorCode": 200,
    "msg": "operate successful(操作成功)",
    "data": {
        "orderResult": {
            "successList": [
            "failureList": []
        "returnResult": {
            "successList": [
            "failureList": []

Return Parameter Description

Parameter Type Remarks
errorCode number Request Result, 200:Success; 400+:Client Exception; 500+:Server Exception
msg string Request return information
data array Handel result list
orderResult object Order handle result
successList array Success list
failureList array Failure list
returnResult object Return handle result

6.4. Order Create


  • Order create
  • Support multiple orders

Request URL

https://sh-sandbox.nengmao.net/tmg/api/order/create【Sandbox Environment】

Request Method : POST

Public Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
appKey Yes string API access key
appSecret Yes string API access secret
timestamp Yes int Time Stamp, variance 2mins,Time zone:GMT+8
sign Yes string Signature
format No string Respond Data Format, json as default


Parameter Mandatory Type Remarks
orderSn Yes string Tmall order number
orderAccount Yes string Tmall account
orderAmount Yes number Order total amount
shippingFee Yes number Order shipping fee
discountAmountSum Yes number Order discount total amount
consignee Yes string Order consignee
country Yes string Consignee country
province Yes string Consignee province
city Yes string Consignee city
district Yes string Consignee district
address Yes string Consignee address
zipcode Yes string Consignee zip code
telephone Yes string Consignee telephone
mobile Yes string Consignee mobile
platform Yes string Sale platform
paymentSn Yes string Order pay number
paymentType Yes string Order payment type
createTime Yes string Create time
payTime Yes string Payment time
orderGoods Yes array Order product list
sku Yes string Product SKU
upcCode Yes string Barcode
saleAmount Yes number Product sale total amount
tagPrice Yes number Product tag price
internalId No string Brand goods internal id
qty Yes number Product sold quantity

Request Parameter Example

	"orderSn": "120023153050487191",
	"orderAccount": "刘婷19921023",
	"orderAmount": 554.37,
	"shippingFee": 100,
	"consignee": "刘大爷",
	"country": "中国",
	"province": "广东省",
	"city": "广州市",
	"district": "越秀区",
	"address": "黄花岗街道天河北水荫路柏高酒店419房间(送到房间来",
	"zipcode": "510180",
	"telephone": "15827554247",
	"mobile": "",
	"platform": "TM",
	"paymentSn": "2017122421001001630262632854",
	"paymentType": "alipay",
	"createTime": "2018-07-04 17:14:20",
	"payTime": "2017-12-24 15:10:07",
	"orderGoods": [{
		"upcCode": "",
		"sku": "39116-8.0",
		"internalId": "",
		"saleAmount": 554.37,
		"tagPrice": 554.37,
		"qty": 1

Return Example

    "errorCode": 200,
    "msg": "operate successful(操作成功)",
    "data": [{
        "orderSn": "120023153050487191",
        "orderAccount": "刘婷19921023",
        "orderAmount": 554.37,
        "shippingFee": 100,
        "discountAmountSum": 0,
        "consignee": "刘大爷",
        "country": "中国",
        "province": "广东省",
        "city": "广州市",
        "district": "越秀区",
        "address": "黄花岗街道天河北水荫路柏高酒店419房间(送到房间来",
        "zipcode": "510180",
        "telephone": "15827554247",
        "mobile": "",
        "platform": "TM",
        "paymentSn": "2017122421001001630262632854",
        "paymentType": "alipay",
        "createTime": "2018-07-04 17:14:20",
        "payTime": "2017-12-24 15:10:07",
        "shippingStatus": "not shipped(未发货)",
        "orderGoods": [{
            "upcCode": "",
            "sku": "39116-8.0",
            "internalId": "39116",
            "saleAmount": 554.37,
            "tagPrice": 554.37,
            "qty": 1

Return Parameter Description

Parameter Type Remarks
errorCode number Request Result, 200:Success; 400+:Client Exception; 500+:Server Exception
msg string Request return information
data array Handel result list
orderSn string Tmall order number
orderAccount string Tmall account
orderAmount number Order total amount
shippingFee number Order shipping fee
discountAmountSum number Order discount total amount
consignee string Order consignee
country string Consignee country
province string Consignee province
city string Consignee city
district string Consignee district
address string Consignee address
telephone string Consignee telephone
zipcode string Consignee zip code
mobile string Consignee mobile
platform string Sale platform
paymentSn string Order pay number
paymentType string Order payment type
createTime string Create time
payTime string Payment time
shippingStatus string Shipping status
remark string Order remarks
orderGoods array Order product list
sku string Product SKU
upcCode string Barcode
saleAmount number Product sale total amount
tagPrice number Product tag price
internalId string Brand goods internal id
qty number Product sold quantity

6.5. Order Cancelled by Tmall


  • Order cancellation initialed by Tmall
  • Support multiple orders

Request URL

https://sh-api.nengmao.net/tmg/api/order/cancelbybrand【Production Environment】
https://sh-sandbox.nengmao.net/tmg/api/order/cancelbybrand【Sandbox Environment】

Request Method : POST

Public Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
appKey Yes string API access key
appSecret Yes string API access secret
timestamp Yes int Time Stamp, variance 2mins,Time zone:GMT+8
sign Yes string Signature
format No string Respond Data Format, json as default


Parameter Mandatory Type Remarks
cancelList Yes array Cancelled order list
orderSn Yes string Order number/ID
status Yes number Order cancel status: 10=successful 20=failed
message No string Message
goodsList Yes array Product list
sku Yes string Product SKU
internalId No string Brand goods internal id
qty Yes number Product quantity

Request Parameter Example

    "cancelList": [{
        "orderSn": "162724553352511111",
        "status": 10,
        "message": "品牌方缺货取消",
        "goodsList": [{
            "sku": "3840438387414",
            "qty": 1

Return Example

    "errorCode": 200,
    "msg": "operate successful(操作成功)",
    "data": {
        "successList": [
        "failureList": []

Return Parameter Description

Parameter Type Remarks
errorCode number Request Result, 200:Success; 400+:Client Exception; 500+:Server Exception
msg string Request return information
data array Handle result list
successList array Success list
failureList array Failure list

7. Return

7.1. Return List


  • Return List (support multiple page search)

Request URL

https://sh-api.nengmao.net/tmg/api/return/list【Production Environment】
https://sh-sandbox.nengmao.net/tmg/api/return/list【Sandbox Environment】

Request Method : POST

Public Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
appKey Yes string API access key
appSecret Yes string API access secret
timestamp Yes int Time Stamp variance 2mins,Time zone:GMT+8
sign Yes string Signature
format No string Respond data format , default=json


Parameter Mandatory Type Description
startModifyTime No string Return modify start time
endModifyTime No string Return modify end time
returnStatus No number Return status
0:Created; 1:To be delivered;
2: Delivered; 3: Cancelled
pageNo No number Page number, default=1
pageSize No number Lines per page, default=10, max=100
returnType No string Y=new returns, N=old returns already been retrieved, default=Y

Request Parameter Example

    "startModifyTime": "2017-04-10",
    "endModifyTime": "2018-08-15",
    "returnStatus": 1,
    "pageNo": 1,
    "pageSize": 1

Return Example

    "errorCode": 200,
    "msg": "operate successful(操作成功)",
    "data": [{
        "returnSn": "9109033548491234",
        "returnAccount": "will3will",
        "returnAmount": 570.48,
        "returnShippingFee": 0,
        "returnee": "郭起林",
        "province": "湖南省",
        "city": "长沙市",
        "district": "开福区",
        "zipcode": "410005",
        "address": "伍家岭街道 芙蓉中路一段88号天健芙蓉9栋304",
        "expressCompany": "天天快递",
        "expressSn": "668846337098",
        "telephone": "18768656789",
        "mobile": "",
        "orderSn": "151120756299491234",
        "goodsList": [{
            "sku": "3543638636016",
            "upcCode": "",
            "internalId": "",
            "goodsAmount": 570.48,
            "qty": 1
    "total": 58

Return Parameter Example

Parameter Type Description
errorCode number Request Result, 200:Success; 400+:Client Exception; 500+:Server Exception
msg string Request return information
data array Return information list
returnSn string Tmall Return number
returnAccount string Return account
returnAmount number Return amount
returnShippingFee number Return shipping fee
returnee string Returnee
province string Returnee province
city string Returnee city
district string Returnee district
zipcode string Returnee zip code
address string Returnee address
expressCompany string Currier Company
expressSn string Currier number
telephone string Returnee telephone number
mobile string Returnee cell number
orderSn string Tmall order number
goodsList array Return product list
sku string SKU
upcCode string Barcode
internalId string Brand goods internal id
goodsAmount number Return product total amount
qty number Return product quantity
total number Return total number

7.2. Return Create


  • Return create
  • Support multiple returns

Request URL

https://sh-sandbox.nengmao.net/tmg/api/return/create【Sandbox Environment】

Request Method : POST

Public Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Remarks
appKey Yes string API access key
appSecret Yes string API access secret
timestamp Yes int Time Stamp, variance 2mins,Time zone:GMT+8
sign Yes string Signature
format No string Respond data format, Json as default


Parameter Mandatory Type Remarks
returnSn Yes string Tmall Return number
returnAccount Yes string Return account
returnAmount Yes number Return amount
returnShippingFee Yes number Return shipping fee
returnee Yes string Returnee
province Yes string Returnee province
city Yes string Returnee city
district Yes string Returnee district
zipcode Yes string Returnee zip code
address Yes string Returnee address
expressCompany Yes string Currier Company
expressSn Yes string Currier number
telephone Yes string Returnee phone number
mobile Yes string Returnee cell number
orderSn Yes string Tmall order number
goodsList Yes array Return product list
sku Yes string SKU
upcCode No string Barcode
internalId Yes string Brand goods internal id
goodsAmount Yes number Return product total amount
qty Yes string Return product quantity

Request Parameter Example

    "returnSn": "9109033548491234",
    "returnAccount": "will3will",
    "returnAmount": 570.48,
    "returnShippingFee": 0,
    "returnee": "郭起林",
    "province": "湖南省",
    "city": "长沙市",
    "district": "开福区",
    "zipcode": "410005",
    "address": "伍家岭街道 芙蓉中路一段88号天健芙蓉9栋304",
    "expressCompany": "天天快递",
    "expressSn": "668846337098",
    "telephone": "18768656789",
    "mobile": "",
    "orderSn": "151120756299491234",
    "goodsList": [{
        "sku": "74675-10.5",
        "upcCode": "",
        "internalId": "",
        "goodsAmount": 570.48,
        "qty": 1

Return Example

    "errorCode": 200,
    "msg": "operate successful(操作成功)",
    "data": [{
        "returnSn": "9109033548491234",
        "returnAccount": "will3will",
        "returnAmount": 570.48,
        "returnShippingFee": 0,
        "returnee": "郭起林",
        "province": "湖南省",
        "city": "长沙市",
        "district": "开福区",
        "zipcode": "410005",
        "address": "伍家岭街道 芙蓉中路一段88号天健芙蓉9栋304",
        "expressCompany": "天天快递",
        "expressSn": "668846337098",
        "telephone": "18768656789",
        "mobile": "",
        "orderSn": "151120756299491234",
        "goodsList": [{
            "sku": "74675-10.5",
            "upcCode": "",
            "internalId": "74675",
            "goodsAmount": 570.48,
            "qty": 1

Return Parameter Description

Parameter Type Remarks
errorCode number Request Result, 200:Success; 400+:Client Exception; 500+:Server Exception
msg string Request return information
data array Handel result list
returnSn string Tmall Return number
returnAccount string Return account
returnAmount number Return amount
returnShippingFee number Return shipping fee
returnee string Returnee
province string Returnee province
city string Returnee city
district string Returnee district
zipcode string Returnee zip code
address string Returnee address
expressCompany string Currier Company
expressSn string Currier number
telephone string Returnee phone number
mobile string Returnee cell number
orderSn string Tmall order number
goodsList array Return product list
sku string SKU
upcCode string Barcode
internalId string Brand goods internal id
goodsAmount number Return product total amount
qty number Return product quantity

8. Product

8.1. Product List

Request URL

https://sh-api.nengmao.net/tmg/api/goods【Production Environment】
https://sh-sandbox.nengmao.net/tmg/api/goods【Sandbox Environment】

Request Method : POST

Public Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
appKey Yes string API access key
appSecret Yes string API access secret
timestamp Yes int Time Stamp variance 2mins,Time zone:GMT+8
sign Yes string Signature
format No string Respond data format, Json as default


Parameter Mandatory MP Suggestion Type Description
goodsList Yes Yes array Product list
brand Yes Yes string Brand Name
brandImage No No string Brand image address
goodsSn Yes Yes string Product number
goodsTitle Yes Yes string Product title
goodsCategory No Yes string Product category
goodsSeason No No string Season
goodsSeries No No string Series
goodsYears Yes Yes string Years
weight Yes Depends string Weight
description No Yes string Product description
descriptionImage No No string Product description image address
target No No string Logistic Method
hscode Yes Yes string Custom Code
sizeChart No Yes string Size Chart
material No Yes string Material
volume No No string Volume
characteristics No No string Product special info, separate sign=|
originCountry No Yes array Original country
careInfo No Yes string Care Info
shippingRestriction No Yes string Shipping Restriction
newArrivals No Yes string Indicate if it is new arrivals
update No Yes string Update info for existing items
priority No Yes string Priority to be online
remarks No Yes string Remarks
currency No Yes string Currency
targetActiveDate No No string Target activation date, yyyy-MM-dd
merchClass No No string Merchandize Class (class A, class B, etc)
SkuList array starts
skuList Yes Yes array Brand’s SKU family
color No Yes string Color
colorCode No No string Color Code
size No Yes string Size
sizeCode No No string Size Code
sku Yes Yes string Product SKU
upcCode No No string Barcode
internalId No No string Brand goods internal id
marketPrice No No number Tag price
salePrice Yes Yes number Sales Price
importFee No No number Import Tax
colorImage No No string Color table
images Yes Yes number Product images, at least one image. Separate sign=|
stocks No No number Product inventory
Skulist array ends

Request Parameter Example

        "goodsTitle":"NIKE AIR MAX男子气垫训练鞋869633",

Return Example

    "errorCode": 200,
    "msg": "operate successful(操作成功)",
    "data": [{
        "goodsSn": "Brand1194122331",
        "goodsTitle": "NIKE AIR MAX男子气垫训练鞋869633",
        "goodsBrand": "nike",
        "brandImage": "https://img.alicdn.com/bJjy1XcXXcpdXXa.jpg",
        "goodsCategory": "运动鞋",
        "goodsSeason": "秋季",
        "goodsSeries": "",
        "weight": "11",
        "description": "211221222",
        "descriptionImage": "https://img.alicdn.com/i!890482188.jpg",
        "material": "",
        "volume": "",
        "characteristics": "112",
        "measure": "11",
        "sizeChart": "1ag",
        "hscode": "11212",
        "target": "12231",
        "createTime": "2018-07-17 13:39:03",
        "modifyTime": "2018-07-17 13:39:03",
        "goodsList": [{
            "goodsSn": "Brand1194122331",
            "color": "red",
            "size": "X",
            "sku": "Branda31869633",
            "upcCode": "6919721232",
            "internalId": "121212",
            "marketPrice": 900,
            "salePrice": 629,
            "inventory": 110,
            "lockInventory": 0,
            "importFee": 12,
            "status": 0,
            "images": "https://img.alicdn.com/im_430x430q90.jpg",
            "colorImage": "https://img.alicdn.com/img/111.jpg"

Return Parameter Description

Parameter Type Remarks
errorCode number Request Result, 200:Success; 400+:Client Exception; 500+:Server Exception
msg string Request return information
data array Product information list
goodsSn string Product number
goodsTitle string Title
goodsBrand string Brand
brandImage string Brand image
goodsCategory string Category
goodsSeason string Season
goodsSeries string Series
goodsYears string Years
weight string Weight
description string Description
descriptionImage string Description image
material string Material
volume string Volume
characteristics string Characteristics
measure array Measure
sizeChart string Size chart
hscode string HS code
target string Target
currency string Currency
originCountry string Origin country
careInfo string Care info
shippingRestriction string Shipping restriction
newArrivals string New arrivals
remarks string Remarks
targetActiveDate string Target active date
priority string Priority
merchClass string Merchandise class
status number Product status
createTime string Create time
modifyTime string Modify time
goodsList array Product list
goodsSn string Product number
color string Color
size string Size
upcCode string Barcode
internalId string Brand goods internal id
marketPrice number Tag price
salePrice number Sales price
inventory number Total inventory
lockInventory number Lock inventory
importFee number Import fee
status number Product status (0 in Stock; 1 on Sale)
images string Images
colorImage string Color image

8.2. Product Query List

Request URL

https://sh-api.nengmao.net/tmg/api/goods/list【Production Environment】
https://sh-sandbox.nengmao.net/tmg/api/goods/list【Sandbox Environment】

Request Method : POST

Public Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
appKey Yes string API access key
appSecret Yes string API access secret
timestamp Yes int Time Stamp variance 2mins,Time zone:GMT+8
sign Yes string Signature
format No string Respond data format, Json as default


Parameter Mandatory Type Description
startModifyTime No string goods modify start time
endModifyTime No string goods modify end time
goodsStatus No number goods status
0:in stock; 1:online, Default=null
goodSnList No array goodSn string array; array length <=100
skuList No array sku string array; array length <=100
pageNo No number Page number, default=1
pageSize No number Goods lines per page, default=10, Max=100

Request Parameter Example

	"startModifyTime":"2018-01-04 16:23:47",

Return Example

    "errorCode": 200,
    "msg": "operate successful(操作成功)",
    "data": [
            "goodsSn": "1VB90065 127",
            "goodsTitle": "Stack 2",
            "goodsBrand": "Fila",
            "brandImage": "",
            "goodsCategory": "basketball",
            "goodsSeason": "",
            "goodsSeries": "",
            "weight": "",
            "description": "",
            "descriptionImage": "",
            "material": "",
            "volume": "",
            "characteristics": "",
            "measure": "",
            "sizeChart": "",
            "hscode": "",
            "target": "",
            "createTime": "2018-09-04 16:23:47",
            "modifyTime": "2018-09-04 16:23:47",
            "goodsList": [
                    "goodsSn": "1VB90065 127",
                    "color": "white",
                    "size": "12.0",
                    "sku": "29376-12.0",
                    "upcCode": "",
                    "internalId": "",
                    "marketPrice": 0,
                    "salePrice": 150,
                    "inventory": 1,
                    "lockInventory": 0,
                    "importFee": 0,
                    "status": 0,
                    "images": "",
                    "colorImage": ""
    "total": 13

Return Parameter Description

Parameter Type Remarks
errorCode number Request Result, 200:Success; 400+:Client Exception; 500+:Server Exception
msg string Request return information
data array Product information list
goodsSn string Product number
goodsTitle string Title
goodsBrand string Brand
brandImage string Brand image
goodsCategory string Category
goodsSeason string Season
goodsSeries string Series
goodsYears string Years
weight string Weight
description string Description
descriptionImage string Description image
material string Material
volume string Volume
characteristics string Characteristics
measure array Measure
sizeChart string Size chart
hscode string HS code
target string Target
currency string Currency
originCountry string Origin country
careInfo string Care info
shippingRestriction string Shipping restriction
newArrivals string New arrivals
remarks string Remarks
targetActiveDate string Target active date
priority string Priority
merchClass string Merchandise class
status number Product status
createTime string Create time
modifyTime string Modify time
goodsList array Product list
goodsSn string Product number
color string Color
size string Size
upcCode string Barcode
internalId string Brand goods internal id
marketPrice number Tag price
salePrice number Sales price
inventory number Total inventory
lockInventory number Lock inventory
importFee number Import fee
status number Product status (0 in Stock; 1 on Sale)
images string Images
colorImage string Color image
total number Product list total number

9.1. Price Update


  • Increment of commodity sales price update
  • Supports up to 100 products at a time
  • Product SKU and/or Barcode

Request URL

https://sh-api.nengmao.net/tmg/api/price/update【Production Environment】
https://sh-sandbox.nengmao.net/tmg/api/price/update【Sandbox Environment】

Request Method : POST

Public Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
appKey Yes string API access key
appSecret Yes string API access secret
timestamp Yes number Time Stamp, 2mins variance,Time zone:GMT+8
sign Yes string Signature
format No string Respond data format, Json as default


Parameter Mandatory MP Suggestion Type Description
skuList Yes Yes array Product SKU list
sku No Yes string Product SKU
upcCode No No string Product International Code
internalId No No string Brand product internal id
salePrice Yes Yes number Product sale price
goodsSn No Yes string Product number

Request Parameter Example


Return Example

    "errorCode": 200,
    "msg": "operate successful(操作成功)",
    "data": [{
        "goodsSn": "Brand1194122331",
        "color": "red",
        "size": "X",
        "sku": "Branda31869633",
        "upcCode": "6919721232",
        "internalId": "121212",
        "marketPrice": 900,
        "salePrice": 1900,
        "inventory": 110,
        "lockInventory": 0,
        "importFee": 12,
        "status": 0,
        "images": "https://img.alicdn.com/im_430x430q90.jpg",
        "colorImage": "https://img.alicdn.com/img/111.jpg"

Return Parameter Description

Parameter Type Remarks
errorCode number Request Result, 200:Success; 400+:Client Exception; 500+:Server Exception
msg string Request return information
data array Product information list
goodsSn string Product number
color string Color
size string Size
upcCode string Barcode
internalId string Brand goods internal id
marketPrice number Tag price
salePrice number Sales price
inventory number Total inventory
lockInventory number Lock inventory
importFee number Import fee
status number Product status (0 in Stock; 1 on Sale)
images string Images
colorImage string Color image
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